Forest School Update!

31st January 2016
Forest School Update!
We have had some fantastic days out in our Forest School despite the weather we have had during January!
Our children have made fairy friendship bracelets with fairy breath, they made houses for the fairies to protect them from the 'boggarts'!
The children then made shelters they could fit inside and they were all very able to describe them and what the various parts were for.
They made models of a river system from the source to the sea and have done some fantastic drawings.
Our local bird population are enjoying the lovely bird snacks the children made and hung in the trees, and each time we go in we are looking out for which birds we can see. We have seen golfinches, chaffinches, robins, blue tits as well as the many water birds we can see on the ponds.  We had some spectacular landings and take offs particularly earlier in the month when the ponds were frozen!
We will keep you updated, keep looking for all the exciting learning taking place in our Forest School!